layout designed by alek
Jessica Catherine Gozelski

A real change. (go back »)

July 7 2009, 7:54 PM

A dream alive, frightening but, true.

Eons and centuries, legends and mysteries.

Timeless so, but older than time? No.

This dream is ours, for you and for me.

Transcending empires and human err but,

We can only take one great stride before we fall.

Humanity is naïve, and the earth, generous.

We are the ruin and leader of the damned.

Radiating the mountains, disrupting their core.

crippling forests so, so old they are time.

Even trumping the most bewildering seas,

Setting fires ablaze and, worst of all,

Stupidity echoes through the masses,

Without even seeing, it can’t even see, it cannot even tell.

Cracked glass is what we’ve made it, can we save it?

Faith for us all is what we need.

Faith for us all can’t undo our deeds.

Faith for us all can’t help, nor harm.

But Faith for us all can give the last breath,

The final breath we need to change.

To change the fragments of our dreams,

Into a broad spectrum, for all too see.

To make this place a better place.

This dream is ours, for you and for me.


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  • Female
  • 19 years old


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layout designed by alek